Eighty one out of the 99 lots are owned by the project. |
Here's a 3,300 square foot footprint of a house with a pool and patio. |
Most important, this map shows undeveloped areas. It shows connectivity between resources. There's a lot of connection for wildlife to move around properly between habitats. |
The first map is topographic data. The green is the golf course. In addition, we identified the water resources that were available to the team at the onset of the project. |
The scattered red dots on the map are vernal pools, which are home to salamanders, amphibians, and other important resources. |
The third map shows the preferred development plan on the layers we just saw. |
We feel that the owner has challenged us to avoid environmental impacts where we can. |
We have a series of maps for the board to pour over that take you through the process we went through for the design. |