A lot of employers would say it is too easy at the moment for unions to be able to put themselves in a position where they can take protected industrial action and, once it is occurring, too difficult to bring it to an end, |
Don't accuse me of trying to pose to the cameras. |
Don't accuse me of trying to pose to the cameras. Don't be a jerk to me personally when I'm asking you a serious question. |
For American workers, it's an unrelentingly grim scenario, |
For American workers, it's an unrelentingly grim scenario. |
I have never been more terrified in my life than when Dick Cheney whipped out that gun. I was sure I was a goner. |
I think she is doing a fantastic job at trying to drag the chemical industry into the 21st century, yet retaining a pragmatism which her role demands. |
I will yell. If you want to use that podium to try to take shots at me personally, which I don't appreciate, then I will raise my voice, because that's wrong. |
I'll calm down when I feel like calming down. You answer the question. |
I've never seen anything like this. We are really in new territory. Union militancy and resolve was much greater and deeper among the rank and file than anyone had anticipated, including the union president, Mr. Toussaint. |
In terms of the larger union movement, especially folks beyond the New York metro area, there is sort of this patina or the hero effect of now being a labor martyr, a contemporary sort of Mike Quill. |
It does not seem that much different, ... it doesn't look like a few boys dotted about a number of girls - it's a good mix. |
It was a good interview, a good 'get.' I wished I had gotten it. |
It would be an interesting move on the union's part. |
It's, it's really been grim. I mean they realize that this is probably the biggest political crisis they've faced in the President's tenure. I think what they're trying to create now after two weeks is a level of engagement and urgency that the President created after three days, just three days after the 9/11 attacks. It's a major challenge. |