All I did sometimes was get home from school and do homework until I went to bed. There was just no clowning around. |
I wasn't used to having a boss kick in my office door and stand there screaming at me at the top of his lungs. I had to become a lot more aggressive just to not get bowled over but I never developed intimidation as a management style. It's counter to my personality. |
It's about learning to do more with the same resources. |
People needed to be more involved with each other for information to flow and knowledge to get passed on more quickly. |
This isn't just about getting something out of a relationship with God, it's about what I need to give to others because of my relationship with God. When I travel 29 hours to see a client in Manila, that's what I see. In the same way that Jesus gave his life for others, I need to remember that I should be giving of my life to help other people. |