All calamities and vices, afterwards, when he has fully considered their relative importance, let him begin his operations. |
All the religious scholars and astrologers read and study, and argue and shout. Who are they trying to teach? |
All the Sikhs and servants partake of them, I am a sacrifice to the True Guru. |
All the sons of twice born men, born of wives of the same caste, shall equally divide the estate, after the others have given to the eldest an additional share. |
All things ,have their nature determined by speech, speech is their root, and from speech they proceed, but he who is dishonest with respect to speech, is dishonest in everything. |
All this he shall present to his guests , being pure and attentive, successively invite them to partake of each dish , proclaiming its qualities. |
All those also who in villages give food to thieves or grant them room for ,concealing their implements , he shall cause to be put to death. |
All virtues are Yours, O my Lord and Master, with what mouth should I praise You? |
Alone let him constantly meditate in solitude on that which is salutary for his soul, for he who meditates in solitude attains supreme bliss. |
Among ,brothers equally skilled in their occupations, there is no additional share, ,consisting of the best animal among ten, some trifle only shall be given to the eldest as a token of respect. |
Among all ,twice born men the wife of equal caste alone, not a wife of a different caste by any means, shall personally attend her husband and assist him in his daily sacred rites. |
Among the goods of every kind the eldest shall take the best ,article , and ,even a single chattel which is particularly good, as well as the best of ten ,animals . |
Among them, the open rogues ,are those who subsist by ,cheating in the sale of various marketable commodities, but the concealed rogues are burglars, robbers in forests, and so forth. |
An adopted son shall never take the family ,name and the estate of his natural father, the funeral cake follows the family ,name and the estate, the funeral offerings of him who gives ,his son in adoption cease ,as far as that son is concerned . |
An eldest brother who through avarice may defraud the younger ones, shall no ,longer hold the position of the eldest, shall not receive an ,eldest son s additional share, and shall be punished by the king. |