Between a son s son and the son of a daughter there exists in this world no difference, for even the son of a daughter saves him ,who has no sons in the next world, like the son s son. |
Between a son s son and the son of an ,appointed daughter there is no difference, neither with respect to worldly matters nor to sacred duties, for their father and mother both sprang from the body of the same ,man . |
Between sons born of wives equal ,in caste ,and without ,any other distinction no seniority in right of the mother exists, seniority is declared ,to be according to birth. |
Bless me with your prayers, that I may worship God with devotion, for those already united with Him, what more is there to unite? |
Blessed and acclaimed is that body horse which meditates on the Lord God, it is obtained by the merits of past actions. |
Blessed is his coming into the world, he banishes self conceit, and is acclaimed as true in the Court of the True Lord. |
Blessed is the Creator, the True King, who has linked the whole world to its tasks. |
Blessed, blessed is that body horse which meditates on the Lord God. |
Blessed, blessed is the True Guru, the Immaculate, Almighty Lord God, meeting Him, I meditate on the Name of the Lord. |
Both he who respectfully receives ,a gift , and he who respectfully bestows it, go to heaven, in the contrary case ,they both fall into hell. |
Both the eldest and the youngest shall take ,their shares according to ,the rule just stated ,each of those who are between the eldest and the youngest, shall have the share ,prescribed for the middlemost. |
But a present made in accordance with the rules to a learned man, makes the giver and the recipient partakers of rewards both in this life and after death. |
But for disloyalty to her husband a wife is censured among men, and ,in her next life she is born in the womb of a jackal and tormented by diseases, the punishment of her sin. |
But he whose father is dead, while his grandfather lives, shall, after pronouncing his father s name, mention that of his great grandfather. |
But if his Gurus are dead, or if he lives separate from them in ,another house, let him, when he seeks a subsistence, accept ,presents from good men alone. |