185 ordspråk av Michael Griffin

Michael Griffin

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 We want to be the kind of nation that other nations want to do great things with. There is no greater human desire than that of exploring beyond what we can do today to stretch the boundaries and push the frontier.

 We're going out there with a purpose to try and turn the game around. It's another play on the line of scrimmage that is critical. You can't take that play off.

 We're going to land one way or another, one place or another, and all we're talking about is where.

 We're going to try as hard as we can to get back in space this year ... But we're not going to go until we're ready to go.

 We're going to try as hard as we can to get back in space this year because we have a big construction project we're working on and we need the shuttle to do it, ... So, we're going to try as hard as we can, but we're not going to go until we're ready to go.

 We're not going to hang people. But we'd like people to realize the difference between what are the facts, and what are opinions.

 We're probably the closest group out here, ... We go out to eat and hang around each other all the time.

 We're supposed to be a team, ... Team chemistry this year, baby.

 We're talking about returning to the Moon in 2018. There will be a lot more hurricanes and a lot more other natural disasters to befall the United States and the world in that time, I hope none worse than Katrina,

 We've been battling for positions, and that's what brought us together the most,

 What we are talking about is completely traditional in the bulk of our economy, ... We need more of this in the space enterprise.

 What we have ahead of us represents a challenge significantly greater than when we first went to the moon.

 What we're really developing is the shuttle's successor, ... The CEV is designed to go to low-Earth orbit.

 What you're seeing today is the result of 10 months of work between the United States and our partners.

 When we get out there, we're trying to turn the game around. A field goal block keeps teams from putting points on the board. A punt block is to return it.

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