This may be one of the better clues that we have, and I'm in no hurry for them to get it opened, if it will help them get more clues. |
This president is in the midst of a radical realignment of the powers of the government and its intrusiveness into the private lives of Americans. This nomination is part of that plan. I am concerned that, if confirmed, this nominee will further erode the checks and balances that have protected our constitutional rights for more than 200 years. |
This report provides fresh and credible evidence that acid rain continues to damage ecosystems in Vermont and throughout the Northeast, |
This report provides fresh and credible evidence that acid rain continues to damage ecosystems in Vermont and throughout the Northeast. |
This strikes me as wrong-headed, ... Until differences are resolved (between the two industries), certainly no legislation will pass this year. |
This was a debate that powerful special interests had been able to prevent, until now, ... We have garnered more support than anyone thought possible just a few months ago when we began this effort. |
This was the memo that basically justified the United States be involved in torture, |
Those papers that we have received paint a picture of John Roberts as an eager and aggressive advocate of policies that are deeply tinged with the ideology of the far right wing of his party then, and now. |
Through a variety of good-faith steps that Senate Democrats have taken, the judicial nominations process today is markedly faster and fairer than it has been, |
Time-Warner can do their entertainment any way they want. But the news should be competitive and objective. And secondly, I'd want to see what happens in the cable business. An awful lot of cable users today -- whoever they get their cable from, feel they're being ripped off, |
violated elementary rules of fairness and decency. |
Virtually anybody who either voted for John Roberts or against John Roberts said the hearings were fair, and they learned enough to make up their mind, |
We are a democracy -- let's have checks and balances. Let us have a government of checks and balances. |
We are increasingly concerned about the inference raised by your continued refusal even to speak with us about accommodating our reasonable request for documents which are entirely within your control. |
We are planning on having Thanksgiving in Washington, |