During several high-profile matters in your professional career, you have appeared to serve as a facilitator rather than an independent force in the policy-making process. |
emboldened a lot of Democrats to support him. |
Everybody wants to get it concluded. |
Fear mongering and false choices do little to advance either the security or liberty of Americans. |
flouts (the First Amendment) for the sake of political posturing and in the name of protecting our children. |
For the Bush administration and Republican congressional leaders to allow the Patriot Act to expire would be irresponsible. |
For us to remain on the proposed schedule for this nomination, we will need your promptest action on these suggestions. |
Four months ago, when we first started talking about the package of death penalty reform, I don't think that too many people thought this would become a front-burner issue this year, or that even we might have legislation this year. But now hearings are imminent in both the Senate and the House, governors and senators and presidential candidates are being asked about it. |
Fox News Sunday. |
Frankly, had Chief Justice Roberts been rammed through on an accelerated schedule that some in the White House wanted, he would not have gotten anywhere near the number of votes he got. |
Freedom and security are always at tension in our society. We tried our best to strike the right balance. Now it's time to return to discussion of what aspects we got right and what modifications need to be made. |
gave the wrong impression to the rest of the world. |
Glory hallelujah, you're the first one in the administration that's said that. |
handling of information relating to this important nomination is extremely disappointing. |
has gone way beyond anything that the United States said it would tolerate. |