We're getting a million hits a day on our site, |
We're getting ready to close the doors. |
We're kind of feeling our way. They're listening to me and how I feel. |
We're trying to keep the business alive; we're trying to keep the business in Anaconda. We're committed to trying to do that. |
What we're doing right now feels like we're going in the right direction. I need to face hitters and all that stuff, but we're going fast and at the same time we're really just taking it day-to-day. When you start making schedules and having to meet deadlines, then we're really not listening to what my arm is saying. |
Yeah, it's tough. I feel like I'm letting them down every day I'm not out there and they (team) are getting closer to leaving. But if I start doing stupid stuff, like pushing myself too hard, it could cost me more time. So it's a fine line. |
You lose that edge. You lose that sharpness. That's the thing I'm trying to find. It's not like I'm going to keep on doing it until I find it. The more I pitch, the more it's going to come. It's what these guys did in Spring Training. |