Hold a true friend with both your hands. |
Hold out the olive branch |
Hold your dog in readiness before you start the hare |
Hold your nose to the grindstone |
Home is home, be it ever so humble |
Honey is sweet! but the bee stings |
Honor buys no meat in the market |
Hope for the best, but be ever ready for the worst |
How beautiful is it to do nothing, and then rest afterward. |
How can we expect another to keep our secret if we have been unable to keep it ourselves |
How to dress? When the money is going from you wear anything you like. When the money is coming to you, dress your best. |
Hunger is a good cook. |
I am in a place where three ways meet |
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you |
I don't care how many pails of milk I lose, as long as I don't lose the cow |