59 ordspråk av Stephen Colbert
Stephen Colbert
Stephen Debates 21-Year-Old Self.
The Colbert Report
The greatest thing about this man is he's steady. You know where he stands. He believes the same thing Wednesday that he believed on Monday, no matter what happened Tuesday. Events can change; this man's beliefs never will.
The show is about me in that when you give opinions, you're saying something about yourself,
These shows are the demon children of the 24-hour cable-news cycle,
They thought it was warping their children's minds. Which it might have been, but it also took a lot of creativity to play it.
They're all cult of personality, ... People don't come there for news. They come there for that guy's take on it. It's an editorial. Aaron Brown loves the sound of his voice. He sucks the flavor out of every sentence.
Truthiness is what you want the facts to be as opposed to what the facts are. What feels like the right answer as opposed to what reality will support.
Twenty-two astronauts were born in Ohio. What is it about your state that makes people want to flee the earth?
We don't want any filter, ... The correspondent is only going to put his spin on it.
We're going to deal with truth on my show.
When emotion or glitz is pumped into something that doesn't need it, it's just funny to me, ... Oh, it's not dramatic enough?
When the president decides something on Monday, he still believes it on Wednesday - no matter what happened Tuesday.
Would I kill for that neck, ... Geraldo gives you a sense of mission. He seems to change the world with every story. I love the ego. You put those two together, you get this sexy package of manliness and mission. I just love it.