All those socially constructed images connected with femininity -- the smile, the charm, the clothes -- she doesn't serve them, such as for example Hillary Clinton does. |
It is astounding how she broke free from her network. It was a big risk, but she came out winning. |
It will be tough for her, but I think she is tough enough to brush away little discriminations. She knows the problems of being a woman in world politics, but she has always wanted that power. |
Now she fits in our media landscape, but one can clearly see that she doesn't feel comfortable. |
She made it to the top, also because there was a vacuum of power and she was her party's only hope. But she is nevertheless highly competent and fit for the office. |
The recent weeks have once again shown that Mrs. Merkel will not make politics for women. She strongly influences her party's election program, and that is not designed to represent the interests of women. |