Quarterback is a lot of footwork. It's mechanics, how you step back, what you do on a trap or power or play action, |
Quietly, Continental has become this incredibly organized, well-run globe-spanning carrier that's got a real brand. |
Quite a few teams have players who are deserving of this award. Being part of the championship team helped my case. |
Quite clearly, what you have here is a politics of fatalism, a community that sees itself as not being listened to. |
Rainbow Tribe's mission is to use dance as a medium to educate the public on the importance of embracing diversity. |
raises serious concerns about the ability of this administration to protect the safety of our nation's food supply. |
Real will have 99 percent of its squad ready by June 30, that's for certain and will have a new coach in two weeks. |
Realize that now, in this moment of time, you are creating. You are creating your next moment. That is what's real. |
Really look for and understand what the other person likes and create an evening around what they would appreciate. |