They take herbs and they are having acupuncture all along, but they can never connect the two things together, acupuncture and pets. |
They test positive, they test negative. They test positive, they test negative. So, no one really knows what to do with their wells. |
They thought I was a friend of mine, ... It's the same thing that happens in the 'hood here. I was the victim, but it wasn't for me. |
They thought that they were possibly going to have to do excavation because they are trying to figure out what the actual source is. |
They took their foot off the pedal after the first goal instead of going for Clyde's throats and we must produce better than we did. |
They used huge numbers of armed thugs who attacked the election observers and the voters, and the security did nothing to stop them. |
They want to score. They have the leading scorer in Burlington County in Sam McDuffie, and they like to get it up the floor quickly. |
They wanted to make it a renewal, but they knew with the outrageous bond they were asking for (in November) it would be treacherous. |
They were exciting. They made a statement today. At district, they were a little bit tentative, but they just had a good time today. |
They were really tough, man. I think we could have had [the game] but guys didn't step up and do what they needed to do at the time. |
They were so much bigger and physical than our guys. They just beat us up. (But) are we a better team than we were then? Absolutely. |
They were the best offensive team we've faced. When you put your least experienced pitcher out there, it's not a recipe for success. |
They were trying to cope not only with losing a leader and a friend, but they had also witnessed his death in a rather horrific way, |
They were trying to pocket the money they weren't contributing to the defined benefit pension plan, and we called their bluff on it. |
They were very disruptive to our offensive sets. I think we had some shots we could've hit, but they were very physical with Tamara. |