What did they do? They bought land in three- or four-year payments (of soybeans). Then, with the expansion of land, they needed to buy more machinery, so they did. There was also a popular government program with subsidized interest rates that was spread out over seven years. |
What he said was he had a conversation with a referee. I found that unacceptable and (also) his declining to identify him. ... He accepted the fine and acknowledged the statement that he got a call from an NBA referee was, shall I say in error, inaccurate. That makes it over. |
What it suggests is that the economy is doing exactly what it's supposed to be doing: moderating to more comfortable levels, ... Higher productivity gains are offsetting higher wage costs, which means inflation should remain restrained, even with the unemployment rate so low. |
What people have done is try to be patient, and then they try to go after it and then they get burned, particularly when there's no safety in the middle of the field. People that have blitzed with six- and seven-man pressures have gotten in trouble by being overly aggressive. |
What people have to understand is, you're presented with a horrible choice. You take people who are on feeder tubes, who are on oxygen, who are on medications and you put them on a bus to go 70 miles in 12 hours? People are going to die, people are going to die, we know that. |
What really depresses people around here is to know we've given our blood and we're still in limbo and the prospects aren't very good. Without getting into specifics, a lot of us would prefer not to have the chains known for the slashing and burning and bottom-line obsession. |
What stands in our way is the here-we-go-again attitude that starts in the city, in the streets and carries over into our locker-room. We can't escape it unless we win. And even when we do win, people will say, 'Give them time, they'll screw it up,' so we've got to win a lot. |
What the government of Venezuela has offered the United States in response to the disaster, the catastrophe of Hurricane Katrina, is a generous offer, ... When we are talking about one-to-five million dollars, that is real money. I want to recognize that and say, 'thank you.' |
What they're trying to say is, we have problems, but we're trying to innovate our way out of our problems. But the next question is, show me the innovation. And that will make or break Ford. I think it's very important for them to come up with some good product to talk about. |
What we have been told is that the US ambassador appreciated the policies of the President of Pakistan and there were some attempts to involve him in a discussion on the internal situation in Pakistan, which according to the embassy, he resisted and did not make any comments. |
What we know about our customers is not that they won't go to the movies if they know it will be on DVD soon. Au contraire -- what we know about our customers is they will see it when they want to, if they want to, and how they want to, so I say let it all happen all at once. |
What we really want to be able to do now, is to have government and the aviation industry working together right now to find that strategic solution, knowing that there is gridlock and the potential of increased accidents if we don't do something to address the problem today, |
What we see is that the number of women below the age of 35 in television is far greater. Interestingly, past the age of 35 we see far more men reporting the news than women. That of course suggests that appearance and age are a criteria for women journalists and not for men. |
What we're trying to do is to...first of all not to elevate any one person, ... When you put the House bill and the Senate bill [on corporate responsibility] together...I think we'll have a good product. We're not really focusing on who's going to be the kingpin of where yet. |