We are pleased that, after going through years of a strenuous and thorough approval process, both the OTS and FDIC have approved our business plan and management team. Castle will be a unique opportunity for investors and is positioned to capitalize on a proven business model. |
We are pleased the court ruled that a Vermont civil union has no legal validity in Virginia. Unless the federal Constitution is amended to protect traditional marriage, same-sex marriage advocates will continue using the courts to force their agenda on the rest of the country. |
We are pleased to award more than $105,000 in grants to support project planning and evaluation projects for organizations like the Northern Appalachia Cancer Network and Penn State Cancer Institute. Together, we are enhancing the quality of life for people affected by cancer. |
We are pleased to have completed the past financial filings and restatement of our financial statements, and we expect to remain current on an ongoing basis. We hope to regain compliance with AMEX listing standards for reporting requirements and resolve the de-listing process. |
We are pleased to have completed the regulatory approval process in just 10 months from the date the transaction was announced May 24, 2005. We appreciate the thorough and efficient review of the transaction by regulatory officials and parties to the proceedings in each state. |
We are the world's largest exporter of agricultural products. We are also the world's largest importer. We are much more open in terms of low tariffs and lower subsidies than most other developed countries, Europeans, Japanese and so forth. We have a lot of disputes with them. |
We are very excited about making it to the top 10. We have been actively adding and upgrading exchange points around the world to give us better performance over our entire network. Our goal is to continue to make improvements to our global network so we will rank even higher. |
We are very excited to be involved in this program. Our clients have been asking for flexibility like this for sometime now and we expect that new clients will appreciate the value proposition of deploying hardened, and fully supported Linux code with a license rental program. |
We are very pleased with the GAO ruling. We are excited to be the product platform selected for ECSS after the Air Force's exhaustive evaluation. We're looking forward to working successfully with the Air Force and their implementation partners to achieve the program's vision. |
We are very proud of the vital role Freightliner vehicles have played in the postal industry's history. Through this cab-cutaway exhibit, people who might not normally see the inside of a truck will be able to enjoy the firsthand experience of being inside a real-life big rig. |
We are voluntarily doing this, there has been no pressure to do this. We want to change some previous policies and procedures and management changes. We will also be putting our entire staff through a training program to teach them how to intercede in disputes between patrons. |
We believe that (GM's) new SUVs will be the litmus test showing whether or not consumer tastes have shifted away from large trucks. Sales of the refreshed Ford Explorer did not do well last fall, but its launch unfortunately coincided with two hurricanes and record gas prices. |
We believe that Compaq also did a good job on the profitability front, which should enable operating margins to more than double from third-quarter levels ... this should lead to earnings-per-share at least several cents higher than the consensus First Call estimates of $0.16. |
We believe there's a difference in this team than in the past because of the way we work. We have a lot of team chemistry and it shows in the way we practice and play. Also, we're fighting hard to get the respect we deserve because we feel we've been under the radar for years. |
We came here also to try and score, and not just to defend. In the second half we wanted to score another goal, and Beasley came up with it. That proved fatal for Monaco, but it was a great result for us. We must be the team with the smallest budget of all the qualified teams. |