The girls believe in the system. They believe in each other. They are friends outside of softball so everything comes so natural to them when working together. Combine all of that with excellent pitching, stellar fielding and strong bats, I would say that we should be pretty strong this year. |
The great thing is we're going to have a lot of new facilities, where the others were 10 years old or older. That's a plus for the fans. The new State Road 20 is going to open. That's a huge addition for us, probably one of the biggest things that's happened since we bought the track in 1990. |
The guys have really showed me something. They're making the guy work. That's part of the thing we talked about, going through the lineup. We have some professional hitters up there that you're going to have to get out. They're not going to get themselves out as much as [we] have in the past. |
The hidden check boxes during installation are a common practice for companies trying to further extend their reach onto your computer desktop. Companies have a responsibility to very clearly indicate what is being installed during that process and give a clear opportunity to reject software. |
The increases were just higher than we thought. As we did last year when we asked for budget increases, we returned $220,000 to the Town fund. Some of the money from the special appropriation we did not spend for the year, so we thought it was appropriate to return funds that were not needed. |
The industry is working on tags as small as the dot of on the letter 'i', or tags can be woven into fabric, in effect hiding them from the consumer. The best way to protect the consumer is to clearly label products that have the tags and let people decide whether or not they want to buy them. |
The influenza pandemic of 1918 may well be the greatest scourge ever to afflict humanity, exacting a death toll greater than all the wars of the 20th Century combined. The virus that wreaked this havoc apparently developed in birds, and then jumped to people. In other words, it was avian flu. |
The initiative is there, but we cannot talk about it now while the tanks and troops are seven meters from President Arafat's room, ... If this is the Israeli response to our initiative, then it is for you and the world to know who is on the side of peace, and who is on the side of aggression. |
The kids are working very hard as a group. They just want to go play football and win. They don't care who plays where or who's starting. They are mixing actually better than the guys we had last year. We're really jelling, and the seniors are showing a lot better leadership than we expected. |
The kids were such a team, and there was no bickering that went on between them. They listened to the coaches. They were easy to get along with. As a coach, I wanted people to look back at them and say we were a well-disciplined team and we were gentlemen. That's the way we carried ourselves. |
The lack of the dog tags at the time of my brother's death was a source of anguish for my father It was something that haunted him all of his, the rest of his life and the fact that they've been recovered and that they've been presented in an honorable way would have given him a lot of peace. |
The last time we played them we came out a little bit flat and they played a really good, solid road game. So it's nice to come in here and to the same thing to them. I think we matched them a little bit better physically than we did at home, and we matched their intensity for the whole game. |
The lid has been kept on a little more tightly in Europe. The pace of opening the market to competition has been slower, which has benefited the established carriers. Regulation on airport slots also means the government can control access to the sector and influence the fate of new entrants. |
The main thing is that it's the Classic. There's a lot of money involved. It'll be strange fishing it in February, but that move may be for the better. I like fishing in Florida. It's one of my favorite states to fish in. I like fishing with plastic worms, so this will be right down my alley. |