We've got to understand that when teams like Saint Martin's play against us this is the biggest game of the year for them. Tonight was the biggest win in four years for them. Right now, we don't understand that those people are trying to become like us and we have find ways to not allow that to happen. |
We've gotten such a good system down, my managers can get a lot of stuff done. It was unbelievable around here (Sunday) night. If you open the door in that room it was Santa's elves working on Christmas Day. They were going at it. There were sparks coming out of that room. They all take some ownership. |
We've made mistakes before. We'll make mistakes in the future. Just because we draft somebody in the third round doesn't mean they're automatically going to be on our football team. We've cut our first-rounders, second-rounders before. You don't feel very good about those scenarios, but they do happen. |
We've only played three games. We got a great result at Los Angeles, then a tie (at New York) and just didn't play very well in Kansas City. Four points after three games? Yeah, we'd like to be better, but we've been on the road, we're still trying to work in this new formation so we're still positive. |
Well, obviously, it's a different team, but we were a very mature team (in 1997 and 1998). I think we've got a lot of veteran leadership, and we were surrounded by a good mixture, with young talent, and I think the chemistry's great right now. We're very healthy. Hopefully we can keep this thing going. |
Well, we emphasize that you call it when it occurs at the point of attack and if it has a bearing on the play. And even then, it's up to the official to use his discretion as to whether it's a fender-bender or a train wreck. If you arm-clamp or take down the defender, that's what we call a train wreck. |
What bothered me is that I just got a memo from the (American) League stating that when (umpires) meet it has to be conclusive. When an umpire in the middle of the field overrules it, that word conclusive (comes to mind). That's a difficult call for me to swallow right there. That was kind of my point. |
What little data I've seen suggests that only about 25 percent of businesses have taken deliberate, serious action. And certainly the larger corporations would be the ones that would begin the process. Let's face it, a small company probably would not have the capability of taking very dramatic action. |
What makes it hard for us is that we're used to playing a fast-paced game and they're used to slowing it down. When we play each other it's a really awkward game. It's a battle of who imposes their game plan on the other one. They're a tough team to play against. You never look forward to playing them. |
What we will do is make a copy of that check and keep a separate tally of those checks and then turn those over to the Poshard Foundation and they have opened up a separate account and will make another copy of the check so we have a check and balance of who's giving. Every penny will be accounted for. |
What we're releasing now is the first version of 10g Release 3, which includes things like the core application server, the rules engine, the ESB, and then later this year you'll get things like the new portal server and the new BPEL (Business Process Execution Language), which are [in] beta right now. |
What we're running into is that teams are really preparing for her. That brings added pressure on her, but on the upside it's made her a better player. She's been our main scorer over the past couple of years (averaging 16.2 points last season to earn Division II honorable-mention all-district honors). |
What we're seeing is an extension of PCs. We're probably going to see those companies with PC exposure get penalized by association with the PC market. That's not necessarily fair across the board, but the bigger the exposure to PCs, I would say the bigger the uncertainty that there won't be a problem. |
What would help is creating an awareness that this is a problem that is not going to go away. We need to come up with some creative ideas and solutions to address the needs. It's going to take more discussions among community leaders, and the community is going to need to decide what [they] want to do. |