Yeah, I heard it all, I made it, I know exactly what it's going to sound like. Can I explain it? Nah. [laughs] It's different. We definitely didn't want to make the same record, you know what I mean. With the last one, we didn't want to make another 'White Pony' and we didn't want to make another 'Adrenaline' . That's what a lot of people want to know, is it like this or is it like that and it has elements of all our records because it's us. But I think it's a broader record. There's a lot of other things going on. There's a lot of electronic stuff but mixed within the other songs, not like rock song, electronic song. The songs have a lot more parts and there's a lot of different things. It was written over a long period of time. We started it about a year and a half ago. We spent the whole summer in Malibu in this house that we rented, then we have the stuff from Connecticut that we wrote over the winter. We have a lot of different stuff. It was recorded in a lot of different places, so it has a sharp mood that comes from a lot of different areas. It makes it a bigger, huger record. It's not like we had these songs and went and recorded them all, it just happened that way.
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