Rock, stone, dust is this earth; this earth is supported, held together. To this golden-breasted earth I have rendered obeisance. |
Satisfied and satiated, I remain steady within my heart, and now, I do not waver at all. The True Guru has given me the inexhaustible treasure; it never decreases, and never runs out. |
Save me, O My Father God. I am worthless and without virtue; all virtues are Yours. |
Says Nanak, meditate on the One Lord; behold Him in each and every heart. |
Says Nanak, the Lord and Master is Infinite; He alone understands the value of His Creation. |
Says Nanak, the Truth has been revealed to me. The Guru has given me the treasure; I have taken it and enshrined it within my heart. |
Scholars, learning from their mistakes of the past plan their present and future accordingly and enjoy success, peace and prosperity. |
See yourselves in all; See all in yourselves; that is the road to lasting peace and joy. |
Self-analysis helps a man's soul to becomes enlightened. |
Servant Nanak seeks Your Support; he has come to Your Sanctuary. |
Serve the Lord continually and continuously; with each and every breath, meditate on the Lord. |
Serving Him, all treasures are obtained. Worshipping God, honor is obtained. Working for Him is never in vain; forever and ever, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. |
Show Your Mercy, and lead me to meet You, O my Darling Beloved. Hear my prayer, O Lofty and Infinite God; Nanak begs for the Support of Your Name. |
Sickness afflicts those who commit sins; God Himself sits as the Judge. |
Sin leads to sure and certain downfall and hence we should abstain from sinful deeds. |