[Carl Pope, President of Sierra Club:] Weakening environmental laws is the worst thing Congress could do right now. Instead, our elected representatives should step in and force the Administration to do its job, ... Our government failed to protect Americans from exposure to toxic pollution in the aftermath of the September 11 attack. Now we see a similar failed response to the Katrina hurricane. The public has every right to expect strong action to protect public health in the wake of a national disaster. This is a time for responsible, truly compassionate leadership. |
A tremendous public investment... has paid off, |
By using the budget bill primarily as a vehicle for Arctic Refuge drilling, the Senate has dropped any pretense of working to balance the budget or reduce the deficit. The Senate is treating the budget process as a joke and a special interest gravy boat. |
Gale Norton was an unpopular symbol of unpopular policies. |
Gale Norton was an unpopular symbol of unpopular policies. Americans do not believe their public lands should be sold to the highest bidder, and they don't believe in privatizing their parks, forests, monuments. While the symbol of those unpopular policies may be leaving, we don't expect those unpopular policies to change. |
Having previously represented oil, mining, and timber companies in her private life, Norton consistently gave those interests special treatment while pulling agencies she oversaw away from their role as stewards of the land. |
He defers to economic interests over the public health, to executive agencies over the Congress, and to secrecy over the public's right-to-know, ... He's always tweaking the facts to the benefit of insiders. |
He gets credit in having turned Bill Clinton into a real believer on climate change. Bush has said he needs to be judged by Texas, and if you judge him by Texas, the record is appalling. |
I think the direction they've said is a positive direction. The question is, 'Are they are going to go there strongly enough? |
If you add Al Gore and Ralph Nader's vote totals, a clear majority of people voted for policies and a vision to protect America's environment ... As further proof that Americans used their ballots to support strong environmental safeguards, pro-environmental candidates won in approximately 75 percent of the Sierra Club's top-priority Senate and House campaigns. |
No community deserves to be left at risk of wildfire. The Forest Service should focus its people and resources on Community Protection Zones, not let them be diverted to low-priority backcountry projects. |
President Bush nominated someone who has consistently opposed protecting public health and public lands. American families deserve an interior secretary who actually values our natural heritage. America deserves someone who will promote safe energy policies that protect sensitive lands and wildlife habitat, instead of giving over our public lands to developers and the oil and gas companies. |
some land swaps have clearly been in the public interest |
Sometimes, you can get a really attractive piece of public property by trading it out. So, some land swaps have clearly been in the public interest, and you don't want to have a moratorium too long because you miss out on the ones that would be in the public interest. |
Taking away these protections will put the last remnants of wild places grizzlies need to fully recover and raise their young at risk from irresponsible oil drilling, unsustainable logging and sprawling development - all of which helped drive the grizzly to the brink of extinction in the first place, |