Because we're inland, and it takes a while for storms to get here, our average snowfall isn't that impressive. But when it snows, it's usually low density and low water content, making for great skiing. There's been really good energy around town because there's been great skiing. |
Next to women, roses are the best thing God made. No other flower on earth has the shape, size, form and fragrance all rolled into one neat package. |
There's more and more marketing nationally; you pick up any ski magazine and that's all you see, is backcountry. |
Touring is the whole experience. When you're in true wilderness, there's only one way to get there, and that's on foot. And you know there won't be a lot of people out there. |
We want to take people on an adventure but not someplace they're not comfortable going. This allows people to get to some very interesting terrain without a huge amount of uphill. |
Word's out that it's good out there. People are smart, and I respect the local mind-set ... They want to go out there more responsibly. |