Yeah, it's real hard, ... It's not like anybody's slacking. We're out there trying, and then, all of a sudden, he's out there yelling at you: 'You didn't do this right! You didn't do that right!' It's frustrating. You've got to be real patient and learn how to take constructive criticism. |
Yeah, whatever I say, I don't think it's going to make a big difference to the fans, ... They're going to dislike me or boo me or whatever. I knew that when I made that decision. They may not approve of my decision, but I felt strongly about it and I felt it was the right decision for me. |
Year before last, we missed a B rating by five points, last year we missed it by one point. This year we would like to see the school score a B or higher. Our teachers are working with the children to get the best results possible and have them understand the test and why it is important. |
Yes, our long snapper is a rookie and I've been playing for 15 years and you never know when it is going to come or if it is going to ever happen. The ball has to bounce your way a lot of times, so I tell him to relish it and enjoy it because it really is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. |
Yes, that is true, ... A mutual friend of ours told me that Alexandra wanted to give me that script, so she didn't come out of nowhere. But it did take me a while before I read it. Then she insisted every morning and after a few months I read it and I thought, 'Oh my God, it's very good.' |
Yesterday the greatest question was decided which ever was debated in America; and a greater perhaps never was, nor will be, decided among men. A resolution was passed without one dissenting colony, ''that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States.'' |
Yet the LORD testified against Israel, and against Judah, by all the prophets, and by all the seers, saying, Turn ye from your evil ways, and keep my commandments and my statutes, according to all the law which I commanded your fathers, and which I sent to you by my servants the prophets. |
You always want to win your first game because it does set the tone for the season. Being a new staff, it's very important that we try and win this football game. We're trying to get a new attitude going, and there's nothing like success to get people to buy into what you're trying to do. |
You are going to be arguing about issues that we all saw Democrats paid a heavy price for in the last election. Democrats have a tremendous opportunity right now to hit Bush where he's weak, which is on oil prices and the war. Don't hit him where he's strong, which is these values issues. |
You can over-hype a movie, but I don't think you can over-hype Harry Potter. I think this movie is so highly anticipated it deserves hype ... I think it behooves Warner Bros. to get the word out any way they can because they've got to bet big in the marketing to win big at the box office. |
You can sit down at a computer, and you can design experiments, and you can see the performance of this thing, and then you can figure out why it's done what it's done, ... You're not going to recognize the full return of the biological revolution until you can simulate a living organism. |
You can train yourself to notice this kind of wildlife. Next time you have some weeding or a bit of pruning to do, start looking at plants and ask yourself: 'What made that hole in that leaf?' or 'What's living in that hole?' You start to look at your garden in a completely different way. |
You cannot believe the ripple effect, ... For every person whose wish is chosen, they're meeting a need. And when needs are met, the walls come down between people. When needs are met, people allow themselves to be vulnerable, because things are happening that are important and necessary. |
You don't find much presidential timber in New York because the soil is polluted with machine politics, ... Unlimited incumbency and almost unlimited patronage breed grubby politicians. But Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani cut in line to win here without paying dues to the spoils system. |