The pre-World War II era, when an imperial Japan attempted to secure an exclusive economic sphere for itself, is long past. The Japanese people have demonstrated a consistent aversion to the use of force and an equally strong determination to maintain firm civilian control over the nation's military. |
The president chose to go to war. And Congress voted to support that. Those are the ones that have better knowledge of it than I do, ... I do know that we were attacked here and I do know it is a dangerous part of the world. And I do know that losing any American, any one soldier, is a great tragedy. |
The president promised in two campaigns to nominate justices who will faithfully uphold the text and principles of the Constitution. One would expect the president to nominate more exceptional judicial conservatives like Judge Roberts for as many vacancies as occur, whether it is two, three, or more. |
The proof that actually came to us was that the people who were renting it became unhappy with their landlord. So essentially, they turned themselves in. They provided us with a copy of a lease that the landlord had with them. That was the evidence we needed to show that in fact they were renting it. |
The recruiters, I think, are even more enthusiastic about it because what companies want is people who can add value, people who can contribute. And therefore they value smartness, they value good grades and a good education, but they really like that practical intelligence and that creative ability, |
The same considerations apply to homeowners. All else being equal, interest rates are higher now than they would be were real estate valuations less lofty, and if real estate prices begin to erode, homeowners should not expect to see all the gains of recent years preserved by monetary policy actions. |
The speed of changes in values in Chile is much slower than in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil or Mexico. We are changing, but we are still lagging behind in leaving the traditional society for one that is more modern and open. So in the end it is a question of seeing the glass as half empty or half full. |
The state we're in now is because of the policy decision to co-opt those people who in the past committed human rights abuses. There's a culture of impunity. They continue in many cases to abuse the rights of people under them. There are drug problems in the north, tribal problems, sheer criminality. |
The strength and diversity of our group of investors and advisers is a major asset for New West. We believe our new model for regional and community-based journalism can play a big role in serving both residents of the region and visitors, and in shaping the conversation about the future of the West. |
The strength of this team is its pitching depth. Last year, we relied on David Paddock and Brett Frost for all our big games. This year, we've got nine guys who can really pitch. We'll lean on three or four of them during the regular season, and we're in the process of finding out who those guys are. |
The support was awesome. The parents are here and they don't get to come too often and they're going to be here this week and next week and a lot of people from Central and South America flew in. It was fun, a lot of fun. They have always supported me and it was good to give them a little smile back. |
The team camaraderie we built, guys knowing their roles and not expecting too much from themselves, has helped. Guys are not getting ahead of themselves and they're understanding what's expected of them at every position. It's made everybody's job easier. That's what's made us a better football team. |
The team can designate one player on defense, and that player cannot change during the game. And if that player were to be injured, then that would be the end of that communication for that game, for that team. The system will not be designed, the way we propose it, to be put on more than one player. |
The team is mature. You're going to see that here, we've by far not reached our goals yet. We have Germany tomorrow. There's no time to sit on this. They can look back on this period for the rest of their life and they should do that with pride but they're not going to do that right now. I know that. |