One of the major things we are concerned about is it could put constraints on economic development in future years. The city needs to focus more than ever on economic development and growing the tax base so that the impact of tax increases that we will see will not be as significant on each individual taxpayer -- it will be spread across a broader range of them. |
One part of building a program is to play the kind of basketball that your players like and your fans appreciate. Our guys are playing hard, and that is the first and most important part of being appreciated as you play the game the right way. I think [the fans] really appreciate these guys because [the players] are putting their hearts out for them every night. |
Operators today are constantly looking for ways to lower costs, while at the same time developing more environmentally friendly processes that their customers are demanding. This is an innovative approach from Orange and a service that Greenwoods Communications is looking to develop to meet growing operator demand for recycling, instead of writing off equipment. |
Organizations are pressured to grow revenues, reduce costs, and provide higher levels of customer service in a global marketplace where purchasers have more choices and less time than ever before. Selectively investing in high-value customers empowers organizations to boost revenues, reduce operational costs, and to increase customer retention/acquisition rates. |
Our BroadbandAccess laptop service for business customers and V CAST consumer multimedia service are market-leading, thanks to support from EV-DO network infrastructure providers such as Nortel. We will stay at the forefront of the 3G world by continuing to work with Nortel to attain the added benefits Rev. A will give the award-winning Verizon Wireless network. |
Our corners were way too soft early on. I don't know why. I don't know if they were just intimidated by (Johnson) or intimidated by the speed. You know, we started two guys who hadn't started before and they were giving way too much cushion. So we locked down and got closer up on (Tech's receivers) and it seemed to be effective. It just was too little, too late. |
Our decision to offer instant beta approval to those who pre-order Savage 2 has been wildly received. Due to this tremendous success, we want to extend the opportunity for others to be a part of our beta testing phase, which begins in July 2006. Ultimately, we want to give more people a chance to be a part of the beta phase so we can make the best game possible. |
Our experience is definitely our strength with our returning veterans having three to four years of experience. They all do a good job of playing an all-around game. Something we have to focus on, though, is our short game. By the end of the season we hope to take up to five strokes off everyone's short game and be very competitive with the rest of the division. |
Our first customers will be experimentalists. They are the people who go to download sites and are interested in cool, sexy network utilities. This is also filtering up to corporate executives who are always on the road and have a wireless device. It can also stretch horizontally to early adopters like well-versed IT managers looking for new killer applications. |
Our landfill provides a clean and affordable source of alternative energy. Waste Management is proud to operate a facility that will actively help produce green energy and contribute to the health of the environment. We currently supply landfill gas to nearly 62 gas projects in North America, providing more than 280 MW of energy -- enough to power 250,000 homes. |
Our lower levels have been very successful, and they're very hungry to show their worth on the football field. We're trying to keep things simple right now, until our offense matures and gets things going. Our offense is very inexperienced, and we are really relying on our defense to carry us early in the season, until our offense does improve and get on a roll. |
Our mission is to make life simpler. Consumers are inundated with digital media solutions that are hard to use and deliver only part of the value they want. People deserve better access to their media and information than they have today. We are intensely focused on delivering a solution that removes the complexities of digital media management once and for all. |
Our plan for two campuses remains as it always has been: to operate meaningfully as a single enterprise, with a single identity, single reputation, and single stature. I am very confident that our new buildings, our new programs, and all of the people who comprise The Dickinson School of Law will ensure this as much as they will the law school's ongoing success. |
Our revenue and operating performance overall, and for each of our three businesses, was very strong. Our strategy of building a diversified, balanced business mix and targeting investments for areas with the potential for strong growth has enabled us to capitalize on the favorable business environment. We remain focused on disciplined execution of our strategy. |
Over the last few years, Elliott has developed a deep understanding of the legal imperatives facing the music industry in the digital age. In addition, he has played a significant part in several of our corporate transactions, including the acquisition of Word Entertainment and the sale of Warner Bros. Publications and our interest in The Columbia House Company. |