's proverb collection in Swedish, Danish and Norwegian
The World's largest proverb collection in Swedish, Danish and Norwegian! is the place to go for quotations, proverbs and sayings in Swedish, Danish and Norwegian. This is the largest collection of international quotes in the Nordic languages.
There are two sorts of hypocrites: ones that are deceived with their outward morality and external religion; and the others are those that are deceived with false discoveries and elevation; which often cry down works, and men's own righteousness, and
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These authors were born on the 19th of March:
Peter Abrahams (19 March 1919-)
William Allingham (19 March 1824-18 November 1889)
Ursula Andress (19 March 1936-)Richie Ashburn (19 March 1927-)Fred Berry (19 March 1951-)Rachel Blanchard (19 March 1976-)Pamela Britton (19 March 1923-)
William Jennings Bryan (19 March 1860-26 July 1925)
Richard Francis Burton (19 March 1821-19 October 1890)Minna Canth (19 March 1844-)
Glenn Close (19 March 1947-)
Ornette Coleman (19 March 1930-)
Wyatt Earp (19 March 1848-13 January 1929)
Adolf Eichmann (19 March 1906-31 May 1962)Adolf Galland (19 March 1912-)Paul Hagen (19 March 1920-)Vivian Hsu (19 March 1975-)Joe Kapp (19 March 1939-)
Dr. David Livingstone (19 March 1813-18 April 1874)Patrick McGoohan (19 March 1928-)Christopher Murray (19 March 1957-)Alessandro Nesta (19 March 1976-)
Max Reger (19 March 1873-11 May 1916)
Phillip Roth (19 March 1933-)Philip Roth (19 March 1933-)Robert Schenkkan (19 March 1953-)Sirhan Sirhan (19 March 1944-)Albert Speer (19 March 1905-)Connor Trinneer (19 March 1969-)Irving Wallace (19 March 1916-)
Earl Warren (19 March 1891-19 July 1974)Jake Weber (19 March 1964-)Harvey Weinstein (19 March 1952-)
Bruce Willis (19 March 1955-)These authors died on the 19th of March:
Thomas Bailey Aldrich (November 11th 1836-19 March 1907)
Arthur James Balfour (July 25th 1848-19 March 1930)
Edgar Rice Burroughs (September 1st 1875-19 March 1950)
Willem de Kooning (April 24th 1904-19 March 1997)Idag firar vi
Josef Josefina!
Here you'll find proverbs in Swedish, Danish and Norwegian and a little happiness without soft-ice - in a collection that has been ongoing since the year 1990. It has been printed on paper four times, in the shape of the book "Språkets Kryddor". This book is now
really sold out, and it won't be printed again.
Please contribute to the collection, there are lots of things that can be done. Maybe you'll find some spelling errorrs or facts that are just plain wrong. Maybe you know something that's not in the collection - have you got any quotations or proverbs to share? Write your comments in the textbox to the left!
We apologize for all the misleading facts that are in this collection. However hard we try, there's no possibility on earth that we can guarantee the accuracy of the information here.
Enjoy, and have a noise day! / Pex Tufvesson