1094 categories

All categories


Here's all 1094 categories alphabetically sorted:

Ability (68)
Abortion (9)
Absence (53)
Abstinence (6)
Abuse (4)
Acceptance (9)
Accidents (6)
Accuracy (4)
Achievement (91)
Acquaintance (5)
Act (1)
Acting (21)
Action (337)
Actions (1)
Actors and acting (20)
Adaptability (4)
Addiction (10)
Admiration (20)
Adoption (4)
Adultery (8)
Adulthood (29)
Adventure (58)
Adversity (78)
Advertising (176)
Advice (129)
Affectation (4)
Affection (43)
Affliction (51)
Afghanistan (1)
African american (11)
Age (227)
Ageing (8)
Aggression (1)
Agreement (15)
Agriculture (6)
Airplanes (9)
Alcohol (33)
Alienation (1)
Ambition (87)
America (7)
America and americans (20)
Anarchy (12)
Ancestry (4)
Anecdotes (5)
Angels (22)
Anger (117)
Animals (137)
Anthropology (9)
Anticipation (36)
Anxiety (68)
Apathy (6)
Aphorisms (4)
Apologies (8)
Appearance (54)
Appetite (8)
Applause (10)
Appreciation (34)
Approval (11)
Architecture (53)
Arguments (75)
Aristocracy (11)
Army (38)
Arrogance (12)
Art (547)
Artist (1)
Assassination (32)
Astrology (6)
Astronomy (9)
Atheism (50)
Athletes (2)
Atoms (7)
Attitude (75)
Audiences (21)
Authority (177)
Autobiography (17)
Automobiles (6)
Aviation (4)
Awards (13)
Awareness (4)

Babies (33)
Bachelors (6)
Balance (10)
Ballet (7)
Bankers and banks (14)
Baseball (107)
Basketball (18)
Beauty (244)
Bed (9)
Beer (22)
Beginning (52)
Behavior (64)
Being a woman (20)
Belief (280)
Beliefs (1)
Benevolence (10)
Best friend (20)
Betrayal (10)
Bicycles (3)
Bigotry (3)
Biography (16)
Birth (21)
Birth control (4)
Birthday (31)
Bitterness (4)
Blessings (42)
Blindness (7)
Blush (2)
Boasts (2)
Boats (10)
Body (56)
Boldness (5)
Bombs (1)
Books (273)
Boredom (50)
Borrowing (2)
Bosses (8)
Boston (1)
Boxing (11)
Boys (30)
Bragging (1)
Bravery (31)
Brevity (7)
Brides (2)
Brotherhood (19)
Brothers (6)
Buddhism (10)
Budgets (3)
Bureaucracy (25)
Burnout (2)
Business (235)

Camping (4)
Canada (1)
Cancer (5)
Cannibalism (3)
Capitalism (45)
Careers (29)
Caring (25)
Carnival (1)
Catholicism (15)
Cats (50)
Caution (4)
Celebrity (87)
Celibacy (6)
Censorship (30)
Certainty (32)
Challenge (29)
Chance (97)
Change (193)
Chaos (19)
Character (152)
Charisma (1)
Charity (67)
Charm (27)
Chastity (4)
Cheating (47)
Cheerfulness (20)
Chess (8)
Chicago (18)
Childhood (61)
Children (290)
Chivalry (5)
Choice (125)
Choices (1)
Christianity (109)
Christmas (89)
Church (42)
Cinema (26)
Circumstances (11)
Cities (68)
Citizenship (36)
Civil rights (17)
Civilization (115)
Clarity (4)
Cleverness (11)
Clients and customers (6)
Climate (1)
Clocks (10)
Clothes (17)
Coaches and coaching (5)
Coffee (1)
College (14)
Colors (18)
Comedy (51)
Comfort (15)
Commerce (22)
Commitment (53)
Common sense (20)
Communication (117)
Communism (36)
Community (28)
Company (26)
Compassion (48)
Competence (30)
Competition (20)
Complaining (1)
Complaints (5)
Compliments (9)
Composers (8)
Compromise (17)
Computers (80)
Conceit (5)
Concern (21)
Confession (22)
Confidence (151)
Conflict (37)
Conformity (8)
Confusion (9)
Congress (24)
Conquest (21)
Conscience (82)
Consequences (57)
Conservatism (11)
Conservative (1)
Constancy (3)
Constitution (49)
Contemplation (2)
Contempt (3)
Contentment (14)
Control (25)
Controversy (11)
Conventionality (2)
Conversation (42)
Conviction (30)
Cooking (20)
Coolness (4)
Cooperation (2)
Corporations (2)
Correction (2)
Corruption (23)
Cosmetics (5)
Cosmos (2)
Country (91)
Courage (197)
Courtesy (57)
Courtship (5)
Cowardice (16)
Creativity (133)
Credibility (1)
Credulity (5)
Cricket (9)
Crime (55)
Crisis (7)
Criticism (88)
Cruelty (27)
Culture (44)
Curiosity (61)
Custom (18)
Cute (32)
Cute friendship (20)
Cute love (20)
Cynicism (22)

Dancing (68)
Danger (38)
Darkness (13)
Dating (34)
Dawn (4)
Day (50)
Deals (7)
Death and dying (50)
Debate (9)
Debauchery (2)
Debt (15)
Deceit (14)
Deception (5)
Decision (68)
Dedication (5)
Deed (1)
Defeat (29)
Defense (20)
Delay (11)
Delusion (30)
Democracy (147)
Dentists (4)
Departure (4)
Dependence (8)
Depression (16)
Design (5)
Desire (46)
Despair (24)
Desperation (1)
Destiny (91)
Determination (36)
Devil (37)
Diaries (3)
Dictators (7)
Dieting (8)
Difficulty (33)
Dignity (28)
Diligence (9)
Diplomacy (35)
Direction (8)
Disability (3)
Disappointment (26)
Disaster (8)
Discipline (65)
Discontent (5)
Discovery (56)
Discretion (11)
Discrimination (27)
Disease (32)
Dishonesty (2)
Disillusionment (8)
Disorder (3)
Dissent (6)
Distrust (5)
Diversity (16)
Divorce (29)
Doctors (30)
Doctrine (11)
Dogs (56)
Doing your best (20)
Doubt (76)
Dreams (261)
Drinking (62)
Drinks (21)
Driving (6)
Drugs (49)
Duty (44)

Earth (55)
Ecology (13)
Economy (65)
Editors (7)
Education (337)
Efficiency (7)
Effort (33)
Ego (2)
Egotism (41)
Elderly (58)
Elections (5)
Electricity (15)
Elegance (1)
Embarrassment (2)
Emotion (51)
Employees (4)
Empowerment (9)
Encouragement (31)
Ending (22)
Endurance (51)
Enemies (104)
Energy (1)
Engineering (7)
Entertainment (3)
Enthusiasm (58)
Entrepreneurs (7)
Environment (25)
Envy (33)
Epitaphs and epigrams (2)
Equality (71)
Errors (35)
Escapism (4)
Eternity (32)
Ethics (74)
Etiquette (6)
Euphemisms (5)
Evaluate (1)
Evening (2)
Events (27)
Evil (152)
Evolution (34)
Examination (5)
Example (37)
Excellence (62)
Excess (12)
Excitement (1)
Execution (1)
Exercise (44)
Existence (26)
Expectation (12)
Expediency (2)
Experience (155)
Explanations (7)
Exploration (10)
Extravagance (3)
Extremes (4)
Eyes (31)

Facts (47)
Failure (147)
Fairies (3)
Faith (114)
Falsehood (13)
Fame (82)
Familiarity (7)
Family (198)
Family love (19)
Fanaticism (9)
Fans (1)
Fantasy (82)
Farewells (5)
Fascism (9)
Fashion (85)
Fate (11)
Fathers (39)
Fatigue (6)
Faults (31)
Fear (226)
Feelings (39)
Femininity (5)
Feminism (32)
Fiction (23)
Fidelity (14)
Fighting (16)
Finance (7)
Fire (7)
Firmness (3)
First love (6)
Fishing (11)
Fitness (5)
Flattery (28)
Flirtation (1)
Flirting (2)
Flying (1)
Focus (5)
Food (147)
Foolishness (38)
Football (65)
Force (28)
Foreigners (5)
Foresight (21)
Forget (1)
Forgiveness (81)
Fortune (42)
France (2)
Frankness (22)
Fraud (3)
Freedom (421)
Friends (223)
Friendship (257)
Frontline (1)
Frustration (7)
Fulfilment (23)
Funerals (44)
Funny (349)
Future (151)

Gambling (9)
Gardens (19)
Generations (46)
Generosity (52)
Genetics (5)
Genius (159)
Gifts (114)
Girlfriends (6)
Girls (31)
Giving (60)
Glamour (5)
Globalization (18)
Glory (79)
Goals (88)
God (555)
Gold (8)
Golf (225)
Goodbye (30)
Goodness (58)
Gossip (47)
Government (105)
Grace (39)
Graduation (32)
Grammar (11)
Grandparents (2)
Gratitude (59)
Greatness (30)
Greed (28)
Greetings (2)
Grief (46)
Growing up (15)
Growth (45)
Guests (2)
Guidance (38)
Guilt (29)
Guitar (1)

Habit (84)
Happiness (544)
Harmony (16)
Hate (81)
Health (81)
Healthcare (1)
Hearing (6)
Heart (72)
Heaven (52)
Hedonism (1)
Hell (55)
Helpfulness (12)
Heresy (7)
Heroism (77)
Historians (9)
History (200)
Hobbies (1)
Holidays (4)
Hollywood (3)
Home (41)
Homesickness (4)
Honesty (92)
Honor (24)
Hope (188)
Horses (26)
Hospitality (2)
Hospitals (7)
Houses (20)
Housework (11)
Hugs (1)
Humanity (195)
Humility (73)
Humor (140)
Hunger (25)
Hunting (7)
Husbands (35)
Hypocrisy (35)

Idealism (16)
Ideals (35)
Ideas (182)
Identity (6)
Idleness (25)
Ignorance (125)
Illness (18)
Illusion (2)
Imagination (54)
Imitation (6)
Immortality (33)
Impatience (2)
Imperfection (2)
Impossibility (11)
Imprisonment (4)
Improvement (8)
Impulses (2)
Inaction (2)
Income (2)
Incompetence (1)
Inconsistency (4)
Incredulity (1)
Indecision (7)
Independence (14)
Indifference (8)
Individuality (28)
Indolence (10)
Inequality (3)
Inferiority (8)
Infidelity (19)
Infinity (1)
Inflation (18)
Influence (33)
Information (41)
Ingratitude (4)
Injustice (35)
Innocence (29)
Innovation (23)
Insanity (22)
Insecurity (13)
Insincerity (4)
Inspiration (78)
Inspirational (11)
Instinct (25)
Insults (15)
Integrity (25)
Intelligence (92)
Intention (22)
Interest (31)
Internet (105)
Intuition (14)
Inventions (29)
Investment (7)
Iraq (4)
Irony (26)
Irreverence (2)
Islam (22)
Italy (1)

Jazz (13)
Jealousy (62)
Jest (6)
Jobs (47)
Jokes (44)
Journalism (68)
Journey (120)
Joy (36)
Judaism (14)
Judgement (108)
Judgment (2)
Juries and judges (20)
Justice (138)

Kentucky (1)
Killing (35)
Kindness (79)
Kissing (42)
Knowledge (279)

Labor (167)
Land (1)
Language (112)
Laughter (108)
Law (2)
Law and lawyers (20)
Leadership (192)
Leading (1)
Learning (222)
Legends (3)
Leisure (12)
Lesbianism (3)
Letters (2)
Liberalism (17)
Libraries (43)
Lies (74)
Life (1378)
Limits (39)
Listening (45)
Literary (3)
Literature (142)
Living (175)
Logic (34)
Loneliness (85)
Lonely (2)
Longevity (8)
Losing (26)
Love (1281)
Lovers (20)
Loyalty (27)
Luck (95)
Lust (3)
Luxury (17)

Machines (14)
Madness (33)
Magic (39)
Major holidays (5)
Majority (8)
Makeup (3)
Man (1)
Management (5)
Managers (39)
Mankind (118)
Manners (11)
Manufacturing (1)
Marines (1)
Marketing (13)
Marriage (309)
Marxism (6)
Masculinity (2)
Materialism (6)
Mathematicians (1)
Mathematics (48)
Maturity (38)
Maxim (10)
Meaning (34)
Media (38)
Medicine (52)
Mediocrity (14)
Meditation (18)
Meetings (13)
Melancholy (5)
Memories (3)
Memory (116)
Men (323)
Men and women (20)
Mercy (9)
Merit (7)
Metaphor (2)
Military (61)
Mind (225)
Minority (6)
Miracles (44)
Misery (25)
Misfortune (27)
Mistakes (108)
Moderation (20)
Modesty (23)
Moments (2)
Money (262)
Moods (1)
Moon (2)
Morality (47)
Mormon (1)
Mortality (5)
Motherhood (27)
Mothers (62)
Motivation (82)
Motivational (3)
Motives (3)
Mountains (10)
Movies (133)
Murder (2)
Museums (5)
Music (343)
Musicians (11)
Mystery (29)
Myths (28)

Nationality (3)
Nations (59)
Native americans (9)
Nature (236)
Necessity (36)
Needs (44)
Negotiation (7)
Neighbors (16)
Neurosis (7)
New year (20)
News (2)
Newspapers (30)
Night (12)
Nobility (7)
Nonsense (10)
Nonviolence (26)
Nostalgia (15)
Novelty (2)
Nudity (3)
Nurses (1)

Obedience (11)
Obesity (5)
Observation (16)
Obsessions (5)
Obstacles (17)
Obstinacy (3)
Occupations (3)
Oil (1)
Opera (22)
Opinions (76)
Opium (4)
Opportunity (85)
Opposites (18)
Oppression (29)
Optimism (86)
Orchestras (3)
Order (17)
Originality (43)
Overcoming (18)

Pacifism (6)
Pain (93)
Painting (71)
Paradise (20)
Paradox (7)
Parenthood (9)
Parents (69)
Parliament (8)
Partnership (4)
Passion (117)
Past (52)
Patience (77)
Patriotism (60)
Peace (153)
People (177)
Perception (5)
Perfection (66)
Performance (13)
Persecution (8)
Perseverance (15)
Persistence (11)
Personality (31)
Perspective (8)
Persuasion (4)
Pessimism (35)
Pets (4)
Philosophy (134)
Photography (98)
Physics (14)
Pilgrimage (5)
Pity (4)
Plagiarism (4)
Planning (39)
Plants (7)
Play (88)
Pleasure (53)
Poetry (237)
Poets (65)
Police (15)
Politeness (4)
Politicians (123)
Politics (350)
Pollution (9)
Poor (3)
Popularity (20)
Population (5)
Portraits (3)
Positive (1)
Positive thinking (20)
Possessions (35)
Possibility (25)
Posterity (13)
Potential (45)
Poverty (117)
Power (173)
Practicality (5)
Practice (1)
Praise (90)
Prayer (103)
Preachers and preaching (7)
Precedents (1)
Pregnancy (5)
Prejudice (56)
Preparation (15)
Presidency (53)
Press (28)
Pride (82)
Principles (66)
Privacy (6)
Privilege (5)
Problems (103)
Procrastination (19)
Productivity (1)
Profession and professionals (19)
Profit (20)
Programming (1)
Progress (72)
Prohibition (3)
Projects (4)
Promise (30)
Promotion (5)
Proof (2)
Propaganda (11)
Prophecy (6)
Prose (9)
Prosperity (71)
Prostitution (5)
Protest (5)
Protestantism (3)
Proverbs (7)
Providence (19)
Prudence (21)
Psychiatry (7)
Psychoanalysis (1)
Psychology (32)
Publicity (8)
Punctuality (17)
Punishment (27)
Punk (3)
Purity (7)
Purpose (3)

Quality (43)
Quarrels (1)
Questioning (66)
Quotations (54)

Race (36)
Racing (1)
Racism (31)
Rap (9)
Reading (149)
Realism (32)
Reality (68)
Reason (68)
Rebellion (10)
Recreation (1)
Recycling (1)
Reflection (21)
Reform (4)
Regret (50)
Rejection (12)
Relationships (210)
Relatives (6)
Relax (2)
Relaxation (4)
Religion (544)
Religious (2)
Religious love (5)
Remedies (5)
Remorse (1)
Renunciation (1)
Repentance (2)
Reputation (79)
Research (21)
Resentment (9)
Resignation (6)
Resolution (5)
Respect (55)
Respectability (3)
Responsibility (63)
Rest (17)
Restaurants (8)
Retirement (38)
Revenge (41)
Reverie (9)
Revolution (40)
Reward (12)
Rhetoric (2)
Richness (33)
Ridicule (6)
Right (72)
Rights (1)
Risk (13)
Risk-taking (31)
Rituals (1)
Rivalry (1)
Road (1)
Romance (36)
Romantic love (14)
Rules (43)
Running (22)

Sacrifice (13)
Sadness (30)
Safety (30)
Saints (14)
Sales (3)
Sanity (18)
Sarcasm (5)
Satisfaction (15)
Scandal (9)
Schools (29)
Science (175)
Scientists (29)
Scouting (5)
Sculpture (4)
Seasons (34)
Secrets (43)
Security (4)
Seduction (5)
Self (1)
Self-confidence (26)
Self-control (22)
Self-denial (2)
Self-esteem (42)
Self-interest (18)
Self-knowledge (27)
Self-respect (26)
Self-sacrifice (7)
Selfishness (27)
Sense of humor (19)
Senses (24)
Sensuality (4)
Sentimentality (7)
Separation (5)
Serenity (9)
Seriousness (4)
Sermons (14)
Service (2)
Sex war (3)
Sexes (13)
Shame (15)
Sharing (18)
Ships (1)
Shyness (6)
Silence (103)
Simplicity (41)
Sin (124)
Singers and singing (20)
Sisters (12)
Skepticism (16)
Ski (2)
Skill (1)
Slander (4)
Slang (3)
Slavery (32)
Sleep (37)
Smile (66)
Smoking (28)
Snobbery (5)
Social service (20)
Socialism (30)
Society (122)
Software (13)
Soldiers (14)
Solidarity (25)
Solitude (19)
Solution (43)
Songs (21)
Sons (5)
Sorrow (60)
Soul (82)
Space (14)
Speech (120)
Spirit (46)
Spirituality (4)
Spontaneity (4)
Sports (165)
Stability (2)
Stairs (1)
Statistics (22)
Strangers (2)
Strength (59)
Stress (13)
Struggle (32)
Students (17)
Study (26)
Stupidity (35)
Style (27)
Succeed (1)
Success (373)
Suffering (51)
Suicide (38)
Superiority (7)
Superstition (28)
Support (4)
Surprises (9)
Survival (18)
Suspicion (5)
Sympathy (22)

Tact (17)
Talent (85)
Talking (2)
Taxation (38)
Taxes (1)
Teachers and teaching (21)
Teaching (1)
Team work (20)
Tears (23)
Technology (59)
Teenage (49)
Television (135)
Temper (16)
Temperament (5)
Temptation (32)
Tenacity (7)
Tenderness (12)
Tennis (6)
Tension (1)
Terrorism (2)
Testing (23)
The present (20)
Theater (27)
Theft (15)
Theology (17)
Theory (34)
Therapy (7)
Thinking (156)
Thought (81)
Time (289)
Timidity (3)
Tolerance (49)
Tourists (5)
Traditions (25)
Tragedy (30)
Tranquility (1)
Travel (77)
Trifle (3)
Trinity (1)
Trouble (66)
Trust (50)
Truth (390)
Trying (49)
Twenty Four (9)
Twins (7)
Tyranny (9)

Ugliness (4)
Uncertainty (2)
Understanding (101)
Unemployment (9)
Uniqueness (5)
Unity (14)
Universe (43)
University (33)
US (1)
Usefulness (4)
Utopia (2)

Vacation (6)
Value (60)
Values (2)
Vanity (47)
Vegetarianism (9)
Vertigo (1)
Vice (29)
Victory (44)
Vietnam (3)
Violence (51)
Virtue (110)
Vision (45)
Visit (1)
Vitality (3)
Voting (40)
Vulgarity (12)

War (358)
Washington (1)
Water (21)
Weakness (24)
Wealth (56)
Weapons (23)
Weather (13)
Wedding (27)
Weekend (1)
Weight (1)
Welfare (6)
Wilderness (8)
Wildlife (1)
Will (1)
Willpower (11)
Wine (29)
Winning (69)
Wisdom (343)
Wishes (52)
Wit (32)
Wives (34)
Women (255)
Wonder (33)
Words (251)
Work (128)
World (218)
Worry (7)
Wrestling (8)
Writers (105)
Writing (278)

Xenophobia (3)

Yoga (12)
Youth (128)

Zeal (9)
Zen (9)
Zodiac (2)

Number of proverbs are 1469552
varav 1407627 på engelska

Proverb (1469552 st) Search
Categories (2627 st) Search
Authors (167535 st) Search
Photos (4592 st)
Born (10495 st)
Died (3318 st)
Dates (9517 st)
Countries (5315 st)
Idiom (4438 st)
Toplists (6 st)


Denna sida visar alla kategorier av ordspråk, citat, ordstäv och talesätt.

This website focuses on proverbs in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages, and some parts including the links below have not been translated to English. They are mainly FAQs, various information and webpages for improving the collection.

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Det finns andra ordspråkssamlingar - men vi vet inte varför.


This website focuses on proverbs in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages, and some parts including the links below have not been translated to English. They are mainly FAQs, various information and webpages for improving the collection.

Det är julafton om 293 dagar!

Vad är proverb?
Hur funkar det?
Vanliga frågor
Om samlingen
Hjälp till!

Det finns andra ordspråkssamlingar - men vi vet inte varför.
