39 ordspråk av Mark Patton

Mark Patton

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 An audition? I don't know. I guess it kind of turned out that way. It was pretty easy. I've done all this before.

 As they talked to me more, it seemed like it was going to be a bigger part than I first thought.

 Coach really lit a fire in me to be more physical with their big men. We got more aggressive with them.

 First of all, I'm going to finish up this season. After the season I'll see if I can play (professionally).

 He was trying to send a message to us to get out there and play as hard as we could. We hadn't been doing that up until that point. He sent a message to us and that's just good coaching. He was coaching his heart out.

 He's a good shooter. If he gets open, he can hit and run off some points.

 He's probably put in more work than anybody and it's a good reward for him to start a game.

 I think it's going to be important to stay focused and use that adrenaline. It's the last game here but I'm going to treat it as any other game and play hard.

 I thought I'd be an extra. Then it comes to this. I'm honored to be a part of it.

 I'd have to say this was our most consistent 40 minutes at home.

 I'd rather have that win and get in the championship game.

 I'll be ready. I like football a lot. I'll get better as time goes on. I'm looking forward to it.

 I'm honored to be a part of such a great group of players. That list, right on down, deserved it. They can all really play.

 I've never done anything like this. It was a new experience. I couldn't pass this up.

 It didn't surprise me to be honest. I've seen him shoot that same shot in practice.

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