143 ordspråk av Michael Owen

Michael Owen

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 When it came down to Real Madrid or Newcastle there was no question in my mind, ... I want to play football. I love the Premiership - I've missed it while I've been away.

 When it came down to Real Madrid or Newcastle there was no question in my mind. I want to play football. I love the Premiership - I've missed it while I've been away.

 When you put better teams in front of you, that's when the big players rise to that occasion.

 With a muscle I suppose you can go at half-pace to protect it but with a bone it's either not healed or it's okay, so on the first day I was doing sliding tackles and it has been fine.

 Yeah, it was frustrating,

 You can only do your best. Alan is a different type of player to me, obviously, so Newcastle fans are not going to see a like-for-like player coming into the team; but, hopefully, they will see a like-for-like stream of goals coming.

 You dream of a dream start, scoring on your debut, winning the game, but you've got to be realistic in football. But there will be plenty of good times to come.

 You never expect to,

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This website focuses on proverbs in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages, and some parts including the links below have not been translated to English. They are mainly FAQs, various information and webpages for improving the collection.

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