11 ordspråk av Pat O'Brien

Pat O'Brien

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 Fortunately, with only 15 cars here, even if I finished last, it would have been a tie. There wasn't a lot of pressure,

 It was a gem in the community, but no one knew about it.

 It would have been fine. The eye passed over.

 It's always nice when it swings your way. As long as it stays in the family, that's the main thing.

 She was a driving force in the (East Bay Regional) Park District and a driving force in the community too. ... She was a warrior in so many different areas, and touched so many people.

 The average age of the farmer is going up year after year after year. And one result of that is that we're seeing right now more and more land being concentrated in the hands of older owners.

 We had some nice things happen tonight, but we've got to take care of the ball.

 We have two good receivers. We have to get them the ball. They're multi-sport athletes, they have speed and they are competitive. They made two big catches.

 We needed to get back in the win column. The first half we were a little tight. We had a couple of chances where we didn't score and getting that touchdown at the end of the first half was big.

 We wanted to win it. We won the last three. It would have been nice to finish it off with a fourth straight.

 You have the potential for extreme, unprovoked violence when under the influence.

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This website focuses on proverbs in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages, and some parts including the links below have not been translated to English. They are mainly FAQs, various information and webpages for improving the collection.

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