14 ordspråk av Pat Olmi

Pat Olmi

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 He pitched a great game. We hit the ball hard, but right at them. That's baseball, but we'll bounce back.

 He's a bulldog. He gives us a chance when he's on the mound.

 I am happy for our kids, they are an outstanding bunch who have put in the time and effort this season. We are going to the second round and take one game at a time.

 It will come down to defense, pitching and hitting for us to advance. We'll have to put the ball in play.

 Kenneth Atwood did a fantastic job. He threw the ball over the plate and let the defense do its work. He's been consistent all year.

 Kenneth pitched a whale of a game. Brandon got a couple of cheap hits off him. He did a good job.

 The error helped out tremendously, but that's what you have to do, take advantage of another team's mistakes.

 The players did a great job last week, and we enjoyed it. We're looking forward to this week.

 Warden did an outstanding job. He kept them off balance and hit the corners all day long.

 We came off the bus swinging the bat.

 We can breathe a little heading into Game 2. All we need is one win to advance.

 We had runners on second and third with no outs when it was suspended. We had a couple walks, and a couple errors, and then Josh Warden hit a bases-loaded triple off the wall.

 We have some guys who can pitch. We are hitting the ball well.

 We might go over there and watch 'em. We can sit back and rest a little bit.

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