79 ordspråk av Ricardo Patton

Ricardo Patton

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 There are times when he thinks he is Magic (Johnson) and times we think he is tragic. Tonight, he came around.

 There is no question in my mind. We can play the tape right now. Anybody can see that he was in the air and that he had left the ground and the ball had left his hand.

 There is nothing pretty about his game. But he comes to play every day - he puts his heart in it.

 There was nothing on film that indicated they would take that many 3-pointers. They were primarily a penetrate and dish team.

 They're a different team (now), no question. It looks as if they've got their game timing down now. . . . And the other thing we have to remember is, they're probably the freshest team in the league right now.

 This is what we face on the road every game, so it's nice to have our own home crowd motivation. Our guys really feed off that. It's a great energy to have.

 This team wanted to step up and change things. There were times today when we could have folded our tent. But we didn't.

 This was a great team effort. We beat a very good basketball team.

 We have done well on that all season. We have not had to rely on one guy for our 3-point shots.

 We knew he was a guy capable of putting two halves together.

 We signed these kids early so this is not an evaluation. We're just here for support.

 We started out making shots, but that was a little misleading because we didn't get back in transition well or rebound. Then we just started turning the ball over and that compounded our problems.

 We thought our performance in that game (A&M) didn't help our cause. Certainly, we would've liked to have been selected. But you're talking about a team that no one thought would finish higher than ninth. I'm still very proud of what this team did this year.

 We will have had a really good season. We've done a good job.

 We're excited to move forward and be one of the 105 teams that's still playing. There are some really good basketball teams in this tournament.

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