25 ordspråk av Daryl Patton

Daryl Patton

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 As long as the line does what they did tonight, we've got a good chance to be pretty successful.

 Brent's a young man that wasn't getting the attention that we felt like he deserved. We sat down with his dad, John, and made DVDs and sent them out. We're trying to get some visits lined up for him and hopefully things will fall into place and he will get some offers.

 Houston and Dallas are going to make mistakes because they're young quarterbacks. Houston came back and threw some great passes in the third quarter. Dallas didn't tuck the ball away and I know he's learned a lesson there and I think he will be better because of it.

 I thought our receivers did a good job. I don't remember us dropping too many passes. It was fun. It was fun to play somebody else.

 I'm really disappointed in our penalties. We had some big plays called back. We can't do that against good teams because it's going to cost us.

 It was a weird game. I thought the flow of the game was weird. We made some big plays early on defense and our offense started slow, but finally started coming around late in the first half.

 Most of the schools are pretty honest and will tell you they haven't watched the tape or they have and aren't prepared to offer. Sometimes they will tell you they're stocked at that position but they're looking at a kid as a defensive back, even if he hasn't played that position, because he's an athlete.

 Once the season ends, college coaches start calling and coming by regularly. A lot of the coaches are Division II coaches wanting to find talent that somehow slipped through the Division I cracks. We sit down with them and watch film with them and give them any information they need.

 Our offensive line really showed up. Our kids were physical and we did a good job of running the football. Alma gave us some things out of our Dog formation. That's what we stuck with and it worked.

 That's the reason Houston didn't play as much. Houston did some good things passing the ball but we had to line up in the second half and take what Alma was giving us, which was the quarterback run.

 They were giving us Brent on the outside zone. I think we got them tired and our kids really played well.

 This gives these young coaches a chance to ask questions from the legendary coaches. It's a very useful tool. They will get the opportunity to find out how these programs were built and how to juggle multiple sports or to turnaround a program.

 We called timeout because the way they had the ball angled, we thought they were running an onside kick. So we got our hands team out there and then they kicked off deep.

 We care about the kids and we want them to have opportunities and options to further their careers. And there's not a better feeling out there than seeing a kid 10 years from now successful with a college degree and knowing he used football to help him get it.

 We did what we had to do. We were rolling kids in and out of there. Getting our defense healed up is going to be key this week. But I have confidence in our defensive coaches to get the job done.

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