13 ordspråk av Giovanni Trapattoni

Giovanni Trapattoni

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 A positive result is essential even if the season is young.

 He has a light leg injury, nothing serious. I think he'll be all right in 24-48 hours.

 He scored a great goal. I thought he deserved another. He's young and has plenty of room for improvement.

 I always say that in addition to being a coach, I'm also a priest. I go to each player's room and say who is playing and who isn't. I talk and explain. It's a little like confession.

 I have won 21 titles and I believe in my work. Naturally the fans want to see wins, but we are trying to rebuild with young players. I get impatient myself.

 I know how teams work. I've been doing this for 30 years.

 I thought that we would be challenging at the top, but now we need to see what we can get out of this season.

 That's the only way he knows how to play.

 The team needs a few matches to learn to play together. It's completely normal that the team and the new coach have to get used to each other.

 We had lot of players leave, lots of new players come and a new coach -- it's a team that has to find itself.

 We had that little bit of luck we have been missing all season.

 We have to stop thinking about Sweden-Denmark. I'm sure they will play normally and honestly.

 We'll see how he feels, I'll talk with him and the doctors and then we'll decide.

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This website focuses on proverbs in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages, and some parts including the links below have not been translated to English. They are mainly FAQs, various information and webpages for improving the collection.

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