The business climate has changed a lot in the last few years, post-Enron and post-Eliot Spitzer. Courts have become a lot more active. E-mail has come to be viewed as a source of truth. If you want to know what really happened, you look at the e-mail. That's why companies are storing more and more of it, and referring back to it. |
The business climate has changed a lot in the last few years, post-Enron and post-Eliot Spitzer. Courts have become a lot more active. Email has come to be viewed as a source of truth. If you want to know what really happened, you look at the email. That's why companies are storing more and more of it, and referring back to it. |
There is tremendous interest in e-mail and what it will tell you when it comes to an information request because that is today's statement of record. No one writes memos and tucks them away in a desk anymore. Today it starts and ends with e-mail. |
With basic keyword search tools and manual processes for e-mail discovery, organization and analysis, enterprises are subject to excessive costs, serious risks, inefficient business processes, and in extreme cases, executive indictments. Early customers have achieved multi-million dollar savings, validating the solution's inherent value and the significance of the emerging E-mail Intelligence category. |