21 ordspråk av Amy Crews Cutts

Amy Crews Cutts

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 The Fed's rate hike on Tuesday was expected and the Fed's cautiously optimistic outlook calmed the market. As a result, 30-year fixed mortgage rates should stay steady near or just below 6 percent for a while, giving prospective homebuyers another chance to get in with a low rate.

 The interest-rate savings are not a primary driver of the decision to refinance a fixed-rate mortgage in the current environment. Now, the dominant refinance borrower is looking at the best way to consolidate debt or finance a big project such as a home improvement. And we also have borrowers who took out adjustable-rate mortgages in recent years that are scheduled to have their payment reset this year that may be looking at the option to refinance into a fixed-rate product or into another adjustable-rate mortgage.

 The onset of 2005 bodes well for the housing industry. Long-term mortgage rates are currently below six percent.

 This has been a long, sustained rise.

 We are starting to see a little bit of a slowdown in the enthusiasm for housing as an investment.

 With financial markets more optimistic that the economy is expanding nicely, mortgage rates had nowhere to go but up this week. Then, as a result of the GDP figures released today (Thursday), the market began weighing which part of GDP it feels is most dominant, growth or inflation.

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