we always reserve the right. |
We are confident we are going to be able to work with Republicans and Democrats alike to pass a tax bill in the House and Senate. |
We are monitoring the situation and have no immediate comment. |
We are much less interested in Saddam Hussein talking and much more interested in Saddam Hussein disarming. The president has yet to see proof Saddam Hussein is disarming. |
We continue to await a response from North Korea to our long-standing proposal to meet with them on broader issues of concern. |
We do have concerns that some aspects of this may be ongoing, ... U.S.-Russia partnership. |
We don't know if he's dead or alive. Regardless, he's out of power; regardless, there's a reward out for information that either results in his capture if he's alive, or proves that he's dead if he's dead. |
We find this whole thing very amusing. It is an amazing admission of lack of leadership that Al Gore has to ask the governor of Texas to do in Congress what he is unable to do for himself -- demonstrate leadership to get things done. |
We have concerns about this matter. |
We have no conclusions yet about those documents. |
We have no information to substantiate that report. |
We have not ruled anything in; we have not ruled anything out. |
we have nothing to announce right now. |
We have real and credible information that the airplane that landed at the Pentagon was originally intended for the White House. |
We have well-known channels of communication with Iran, and we have made clear to Iran that we oppose the outside interference in Iraq's road to democracy.... Infiltration of agents to destabilize the Shiite population would clearly fall into that category. |