Aggressive driving, speeding, rapid acceleration and braking, lowers your gas mileage and it can be fairly significant. That type of erratic driving can decrease fuel economy by as much as a third. |
Geopolitical tensions have put the market on edge. |
It's safe to predict that there will be volatility with prices and I'll be very surprised to see (prices) drop under $2.60 this summer, and even into the fall we'll see some volatility as hurricane season approaches. |
Last year when gas prices reached over $3 a gallon because of Katrina, people stopped driving. It could happen again if prices keep going up. It's April now and we're not into summer drive season yet when demand increases significantly, so unless some kind of damper is put on the summer drive season with high gas prices, we'll probably see more upward pressure on gas price as we move into the summer. |
Over the past few weeks, crude prices and gas futures have dropped and increased and dropped. Until crude oil prices start to drop significantly -- and it's hard to figure out when that's going to happen -- I don't think we're going to see gas prices dropping. |
There's a chance for more (gasoline price) increases unless crude oil drops. |
What is going to happen once we get into hurricane season? Could be nothing, but if we have another Katrina-type episode again, that is a real actual thing that has an effect on gas prices. |