Sincere efforts made for the realization of auspicious resolution never go in vain.Such a person naturally becomes the leader of the masses. |
Sing the Glories of God each and every day; your afflictions shall be dispelled, and you shall be saved, my humble friend. |
Slowly and steadily cleanse the mind; sharpen the intellect, purify the senses, and win grace. |
So many times, Nanak is a sacrifice to Him; fruitful is the Blessed Vision, the Darshan, of my Lord of the Universe. |
Social classes, races, Muslims and Hindus; beasts, birds and the many varieties of beings and creatures; the entire world and the visible universe - all forms of existence shall pass away. |
Some chant in meditation, some practice deep, austere meditation; some worship Him in adoration, some practice daily rituals. Some live the life of a wanderer. |
Some live by the shore, some live on the water; some study the Vedas. |
Some practice Yoga, some indulge in pleasures; some live in spiritual wisdom, some live in meditation. Some are bearers of the staff. |
Stand on your strength. Be unmoved, either by adulation or denigration. Follow My lead. I am unaffected by either; I march on alone, undeterred and of My own accord. I am My own Guide and Witness; have full faith in this. |
Stay away from evil deeds and indulge in virtuous ones, surrender totally to the will of God. A man, who acts thus, is inevitably blessed with immortality. |
Stress upon the importance of virtuous living free from any kind of sinful tendencies. |
STRIVE to move away from Untruth towards Truth; attempt to acquire knowledge of yourself and of the origin of all selves and thus shed your fundamental ignorance. |
Strive to secure Grace; do not strive to secure any lesser fruit. |
Success,peace and prosperity will always remain elusive as long as there is 'discord' but where there is 'unity' perfect harmony prevails there and nobody would dare to attack such a place. |
Such is my love for the Lord of the Universe; through perfect good destiny, I have been united with Him. |