9 ordspråk av Attorney General Steven Rowe

Attorney General Steven Rowe

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 Certainly, consumers have a right to expect that their phone records (will) be kept private. Putting this law in place is the best thing we could do.

 Maine has an impeccable record of upholding our end of the settlement agreement. Our enforcement has been more than diligent; it has been dogged and determined.

 Most of the time when kids get in trouble, alcohol is involved. A child who starts drinking at age 15 is four times more likely to become addicted to alcohol than a child who waits until 21.

 The proposed amendment will send a clear message that the criminal exploitation of Maine's homeless citizens will not be tolerated.

 The story is more than this bill. The story is homelessness. There's so much more we need to do.

 There were a lot of qualified applicants. In the end, we were swayed by Jensen's strong resource and operations management skills and . . . his keen love of Baxter State Park. He understands how it should be cared for.

 Underage drinking is a community problem and it needs a community solution. We're all in this together and we have to get more excited about it.

 We believe it is important to have the court of appeals review the decision. Hopefully, that review will clarify the legal nature of the band's relationship with the state.

 We find there was a violation of the Freedom of Access Act. We find that violation was not willful, however.

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