Yes. And I believe there's no comparison. We tried to get Brock for the last fight, we tried to get Brock for this fight and it's plain to see that his people are not interested in fighting me. I don't care what they say, they'd prefer to keep him away from people like me. Even though they've got no TV dates coming up, they'd prefer for him to fight a Kenny Craven or a David Bostice somewhere off TV. The bottom line is, they don't want to take the risk with me. I'm a big risk to any of those guys above me and they don't want to take that risk. Shannon Briggs? I don't think I should even respond to anything Shannon Briggs had to say. I don't have anything personal against the guy. He's ranked in the WBC#13 and I'm ranked #14. All that stuff he was saying to Boxingtalk the other day, the bottom line is, he don't want to fight. And that's basically he what he admitted. He'd prefer to fight Vinny Maddalone over me. Jameel stepped up and now we're going to focus on Jameel.