34 ordspråk av Barry Steinhardt

Barry Steinhardt

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 Technology is outpacing the law.

 That smart card would be very intrusive in terms of following the employees' movements around the building, even into the bathroom.

 The FBI's position is essentially, 'Trust us, we're the government,' ... But we have a long history of the FBI abusing its authority.

 The worst part about this bill is that it sets the precedent that the government can decide what library patrons, and in particular older minors in schools, can access the Internet for,

 There is a sort of serial comical aspect to what ABC did, it was the Internet equivalent of slipping on a banana peel. But the problem is there is a rush to put data up on the Internet.

 There's absolutely no bar on collecting plates in public. There haven't been any legal challenges, because it's not illegal.

 They (Time Warner) have proprietary content. They have a lot of services that a lot of people are going to want to have. The question is whether their competitors are going to be able to offer their services.

 They didn't address Carnivore. They addressed everything but Carnivore, and in my mind, it really was a camouflage to cover the mess that is Carnivore, ... The problem with Carnivore is that it is a black box with all of the service's private traffic flowing through it, and the FBI has unlimited power. Tweaking some of the standards is not going to solve the problem.

 They didn't address Carnivore. They addressed everything but Carnivore, and in my mind, it really was a camouflage to cover the mess that is Carnivore. The problem with Carnivore is that it is a black box with all of the service's private traffic flowing through it, and the FBI has unlimited power. Tweaking some of the standards is not going to solve the problem.

 This is unquestionably an issue of infringement upon civil liberties.

 This survey shows that going through with this plan to impose a national identity card in our sprawling, diverse nation is not only contrary to our values, but would prove to be a bureaucratic train wreck. Real ID will mean higher taxes and fees, longer lines, repeat visits to the DMV, bureaucratic snafus, and, for a lot of people, the inability to obtain a license. To top it off, it will do little if anything to prevent terrorism; terrorists will continue to get drivers licenses, whether legitimately or through bribery and fraud.

 This system is going to be replete with errors, ... You could be falsely arrested. You could be delayed. You could lose your ability to travel.

 TSA is a hopelessly flawed agency and not good at respecting rights and dignities of passengers,

 TSA is a hopelessly flawed agency and not good at respecting rights and dignities of passengers.

 What these women are complaining about is being groped.

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