474 ordspråk av Bob Melvin

Bob Melvin

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 We're not even getting good swings, let alone getting hits, and then once you add on like that, it seems like it can take the tension out a little bit and everyone relaxes a little bit.

 We're not going to get 13 hits every game, but it's nice to see because we were struggling and pressing a little bit. It's nice to score some runs at home and get our fans involved.

 We're profiling that. Our new general manager ( Josh Byrnes ) puts a high priority on guys that get on base.

 We're really encouraged with how his day went. Just to get him out on the field . . . makes everybody feel that much better.

 We're still going to play the game. No matter what happens, you still have to play for it.

 We're still in a position where we don't think we're out of it. We haven't had a great year, but if you look at it, we're 6 1/2 games back at this point in time in the season and you still feel like you've got a chance.

 We're still not swinging the bats as well as we should across the board. We've got some guys struggling right now.

 We're working on slide stepping with him a little bit more. Sometimes that can get you out of sync a little bit. Everybody has their warts at times, and we're just trying to get him a little better out of the stretch and make him a better pitcher.

 We've got a lot of very enthusiastic guys that are here already.

 We've got some guys we feel pretty good about later in the game.

 We've got to find a way to win that game. We had a lot of opportunities to win that game, more opportunities than they did.

 We've seen a lot of good things out of Lance this year. Obviously, recently in the last month, he hasn't been as good, but he was a savior for us there for a while. So it would be nice to be able to give him some confidence, a few outings where he feels confident again and get him back out there where we can use him later in a game, too.

 We've talked about it since last year. Hopefully at some point in time it evens out. We'd like to think it will.

 What he's meant to us and what he does in the middle of games, you certainly can't minimize that.

 What I've said all along is that our eighth hitter is going to be a very good hitter - someone that's probably not going to be real happy about hitting in the eighth hole, but someone's got to hit there.

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