[The air of celebrity is so thick that the novelty may be wearing thin.] I've seen them at the grocery store, I've seen them at the marina, I've seen them playing golf, ... Nobody pays attention to them anymore. |
A story can be a fortification. It protects you, gives you a world view so that you can stack one day on top of the next, |
Any entity that wants to build a hotel and convention center must understand the demand nature. You don't build a church for an Easter Sunday crowd. You can be sure, before [IMS officials] break ground, they'll have done their due diligence. |
For something where it?s a leisure draw, where there's no organization working collectively, like one of our races, then it's the free market. The hotels will set those rates based on what the market will permit, and that is pure supply and demand. |
Gen Con has quickly earned a special place in the heart of our city. We are thrilled at Gen Con's decision to become an annual event on our convention calendar and promise to meet and exceed gamers' expectations for outstanding visitor service and value in Indianapolis for years to come. |
Groups are now booking across the nation into 2010 through 2012. We don't want to miss that booking cycle and the longer we wait for plans, the more complex the selling effort becomes. |
In America, we're dividing into red and blue states. We're swinging our ideologies against each other like brick bats. |
Indianapolis has this international reputation of being the best city to host an event like this. |
It is a very significant spring conference, especially squeezing it in right before the Final Four. |
It is incredibly important for us to have plans in hand, so we can show what type of space there will be, the design of the rooms, the visual appeal. We can shout from the highest mountaintop that we're expanding, but unless we have something to show, it's hard to sell it. |
It was a good win; any win is a good win but your first is more exciting. The scores were good. They are close and they are good. If they can go that all year long, we'd win our share of matches. |
It's the vanilla perception. The city doesn't have the sex appeal that the coastal towns have. We need to get over that aw-shucks attitude and start bragging about the good things we have here. |
People have asked us, 'What is the secret to your success?' ... It is really the subsequent private development that has followed public investment. |
Sixty percent of our HP Integrity server customers are running Oracle applications and databases today, making this a key capability for our existing customers. |
So far, we've been hitting to circles on the ground, so it's really difficult to tell what is happening at this point, but so far the kids seem to be doing well. |