7 ordspråk av Bob Straus

Bob Straus

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 A lot of smaller Internet companies have begun to prove their business models and are priced at levels that are more consistent with reasonable growth rates.

 Earnings growth is strong, interest rates are low, and the environment is positive for stocks. The market is shrugging off the fourth-quarter GDP number as little more than a blip on the radar screen.

 Pessimism about the short term has created opportunity.

 Some investors are waiting for economic confirmation so they can purchase tech stocks, but by the time you get the confirmation, you've already missed out on most of the rally.

 The heaviest weight on the shoulders of investors shying away from the sector is the rise in oil prices potentially crimping consumer spending.

 We believe you could reasonably expect 10%. We don't see anything that would change the long-term numbers.

 We don't see the type of value in the sector that we saw six or seven months ago.

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This website focuses on proverbs in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages, and some parts including the links below have not been translated to English. They are mainly FAQs, various information and webpages for improving the collection.

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