76 ordspråk av Bobby Frasor

Bobby Frasor

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 The 21 offensive rebounds, that was crazy. We can't rely on David and Tyler to get all the rebounds. Some of the guards have to get in there. But 21 offensive rebounds, I mean, that's almost handing them the game.

 The shot right before the half was something Coach Williams drew up. I was looking for Wes [Miller].

 The whole arena-type thing, our home court is a big setting, so that really didn't shock us or anything. It's just getting used to the ball. New ball, new place, new exposure.

 They get a lot of points off turnovers, and for us not to have too many, that's important. The shot just before half, that was big. I was happy until someone jumped on my finger. It gave us momentum, and we jumped on them the first 10 minutes of the second half.

 They were three of the quickest guards I've seen.

 We clicked from day one, and I think it's carried over into the season. We're always unselfish ? we make the extra pass and try to win.

 We don't look at the standings and say that we want to finish here or there. If we take care of what we want to do, the standings, rankings and all that will take care of itself.

 We had expectations of making it farther than people thought we ever could have made it. We even said we could win the whole thing -- that's how good we were playing. It just wasn't in the cards.

 We had jitters. I'll admit that.

 We pressured them, and they weren't comfortable in their offense. That forced a lot of missed shots and got some easy baskets for us.

 We're definitely a better team, everybody can see that by the way we're playing.

 We're in control of where we're going to be. I know we're not right in the position we want to be to win the league or anything like that, but if we win out and just take care of business, I think we'll be successful.

 We're just a composed, poised team on the road. Nothing really gets to us.

 Whatever he does, whether it's playing basketball or lifting weights, he is going to be physical and tough.

 When you're on the bench and you see Tyler's off-balance, holding the guy off with one arm, throwing the ball up with his right hand and getting fouled and making it? That's pretty impressive. And he's a freshman also? On top of that, it's incredible.

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