370 ordspråk av Brian Billick

Brian Billick

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 We just got to be careful now, we can't get him hurt. I don't know if that is something he and his people counted on, figuring great he signed, he will start. No he won't. I've got to find out where he is at (mentally) and ease him into it.

 We love it,

 We need a consistency there, ... We've got to continue to find ways to get the ball in Mark's hands, which we'll do. It's not bad having Derrick Mason, Todd Heap, run the ball well. But to have another presence that people have to account for on the back side, with some consistency that the quarterbacks can rely on, that's the next step for us.

 We need to look at some players that we don't want to let get out of here for lack of a good solid look, ... We need to get some key players -- Jamal, Peter and Todd -- that first good initial hit. That is a huge priority. We have got to see if we can have a certain continuity about us.

 We overcame it, so that's the lesson to impart to my guys. Not that they need to bring anymore intensity and focus to the game. Don't get caught up in the circumstances of the other team. That message was lived in reverse for us last year.

 We spent next year's No. 1 to get a guy who was ranked 10th on our board this year, ... What's that worth? Unless we wind up in the top 10 of next year's draft -- and we think we're going to a better team than that -- we can live with that price. This building is pumped. We've added to our offense and our defense, and we've got a quarterback we can build around.

 We spent next year's No. 1 to get a guy who was ranked 10th on our board this year. What's that worth? Unless we wind up in the top 10 of next year's draft -- and we think we're going to a better team than that -- we can live with that price. This building is pumped. We've added to our offense and our defense, and we've got a quarterback we can build around.

 We still have to get Jamal [Lewis] more involved,

 We tried to frame it as a playoff-caliber game because it was for them, and therefore it was for us. The whole team -- and Kyle -- stepped up to the challenge.

 We view last year and this year as almost a singular process,

 We want to score more points, ... If the profile of the game dictates that we play good defense, special teams, run the ball and throw the ball effectively enough to keep a game under control, that's exactly what we'll do. Yes, we'd like to score more points. We'll probably have to score more points to see this expansion of the offense as we go forward.

 We will pull all of the positives out that we can. We will try to correct the negatives and get ready to go on to next week.

 We would argue and dog cuss each other about game plans every week. We would get at each other. In the end, we'd be bloody, but we'd have a good game plan.

 We'll find the right balance, ... We have great faith in both backs. It was great to see Jamal have the game he had. There's no reason to think he couldn't continue along that path. Until Chester is healthy, that's obviously the prudent way to go. But Chester is running real well, and we are anxious to get him back into the rotation.

 We'll have to wait and see what the actual circumstances are, we've got to let the process work itself out. I kind of get tired of having to say that all the time. We're not going to prejudge. He didn't violate any team rules because he was on his own.

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