Busy. Crazy. The market still continues to be strong. People are buying stocks. There's lots of money out there. All the funds have money to spend and they're spending it. |
I think we've all had problems. We're certainly going to be down to the wire. We've been programming now for about six months virtually seven days a week. We have outside consultants, inside guys, everybody is working on this. |
In 32 years I've never been more excited about the business than I am today. Their internal [trading] flow, their ability to open institutional flow for us throughout the states and their business in Europe and Asia made this a marriage made in heaven for us. |
The truth of the matter is 200 points is orderly. I think 900 is going to be a horror show. I don't want to be in that day. |
There are lots of things that need to fall into place with this. There's a lot of programming that still needs to be done. |