And this song is considered a perfect gem, / And as to the meaning, it's what you please. |
Cats may have had their goose / Cooked by tobacco-juice; / Still why deny its use / Thoughtfully taken? |
Eugene Aram, though a thief, a liar, and a murderer, / Yet, being intellectual, was amongst the noblest of mankind. |
Get out, you blazing ass! / Gabble o' the goose. Don't bugaboo-baby me! |
I cannot sing the old songs now! / It is not that I deem them low; / 'Tis that I can't remember how / They go. |
I must mention again it was gorgeous weather, / Rhymes are so scarce in this world of ours. |
Life is with such all beer and skittles; / They are not difficult to please / About their victuals. |
Meaning, however, is no great matter. |
Read not Milton, for he is dry; nor Shakespeare, for he wrote of common life. |
Study first Propriety: for she is indeed the Pole-star. |
The boy, a bare-legged beggarly son of a gun. |