10 ordspråk av Chuck Morton

Chuck Morton

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 All I can say is it's a decision the judge has to make as to whether he understands all the consequences of the plea.

 It's up to him if he wanted to accept a plea and avoid the possibility of spending the rest of his life in jail, but nevertheless, be exposed to substantial prison time.

 Most graduate courses [at new graduate programs] start off with about 10 to 15 students in them each and we just have plenty of students who want to take graduate courses through North Greenville.

 Our price per credit hour is about $110-$115 less than the state schools. So you go to a state institution and try to get into graduate school, it's probably about $350 per credit hour so you're talking about a thousand dollars per course as opposed to $690 per course that we have here. So we think we have a viable product and there is a viable market out there for our product. And we think we're doing the right thing. We're upholding the standards of the institution, just looks good all around.

 There's nothing unbridled about it. It is controlled. It's not unfair.

 They [Fairview Baptist Church] have leased it to us. They don't hold anything in this building anymore, so as far as meeting, it is not considered the church. They've moved completely into their new building. We occupy the whole thing pretty much. Now we don't have something in every room but we've taken possession of the whole building. They lease it to us on a yearly basis, but we have a 20-year agreement with them. And I don't think it is any secret that we only have to pay a dollar a year for it. So it's really cost effective for us. It helps keep the cost of education down.

 We have classes on Tuesday and Thursday. They are general in nature so we can include people who have signed up for the business program, even though we don't have a business program yet, there are some people who wanted to get a jump on the program. We have one course on Tuesday night, which is a leadership course and one course on Thursday night, which is an Issues in Professional Ethics course. And we have about 25 in each one of those courses, as well.

 We've started off with literally nothing, and now we have 60 students.

 We've taken a wall out of one room because the class was too small and we just didn't have enough space. We've brought in all of the furniture that's here. We've just received some new furniture not too long ago. We've had things painted. We've also wired the entire building for Internet access.

 We've wired it so we can have a computer lab in here as well as a library. We are beginning to compile a library now. Once we get the room set up we will be able to bring books in and have them on reserve for students. Ultimately we hope to have a library. We will have a full service institution down here.

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